06 December 2024 / Events

Panguaneta champions gender equality at the Young Entrepreneurs Assembly of Confindustria Mantova

Gender equality in the workplace remains a challenging goal, with women still underrepresented in leadership roles within the business world.

This critical issue was the focus of discussions at the Young Entrepreneurs Assembly of Confindustria Mantova, where Miriam Tenca, CEO of Panguaneta, shared her personal journey and professional insights. In 2022, Panguaneta became one of the first companies in Italy to earn certification for its Gender Equality Management System from IMQ (Italian Institute for Quality Certification), in compliance with the UNI PdR 125/22 guidelines. Tenca highlighted how this certification has provided a clear framework for advancing toward true gender parity.

“Our company is managed by two families, Azzi and Tenca, and I’m proud to say that even our parents never made distinctions based on gender. On our board of directors, three out of four members are women, and we’ve always worked well together because, for us, what matters is the individual and their skills—not their gender", Tenca remarked. Her words emphasized the importance of fostering a workplace culture built on shared goals and methods. She also noted that to create a future where discussions about gender equality are no longer necessary, institutional support is essential.

gender equality